拖到最後一天  終於申請完畢.....
本來是很開心的申請  很早就申請  差不多一個月前吧@@
但是很奇怪的  電腦每次遇到選擇你要的獎學金  IE就當掉
說沒回應要重開勃然大怒  害我弄得很煩
而且大陸的網路很不穩定  又連得超級慢
最多1600個字母 含空白
我整個人就空白了 哈 完全不知道要怎麼寫才能說服學校把錢給我  轉動眼珠
過了幾個禮拜  想請朱小錚幫我看寫的怎樣 
結果他看了我寫的150字理由  說怎麼那麼像幼稚園寫的
Being an oversea student, the tuition fee is quiiet a burden for my family. It is not easy to provide a huge amount of money just in order to stay in th UK for study.
I am very happy to have the opportunity to study in one of the program in WMG/the University of a postgraduate student.
After the course, I will go back to my home country and do my best to show from what I have learned this year. 
好吧   我只好重新寫
但又真的想不出來   想放棄了 
沒有獎學金也不會怎樣阿 (真的不會怎麼樣 只是可以省很多錢  台幣30萬吧...)
一個未來同學兼國北學妹  問我申請了嗎    是最後一天喔
和他聊過之後  決定放手一搏啦!!!!
把我的讀書計畫努力的從600字刪到300字  再加一點東東
就成功了  花了一個多小時  至少搞定啦微笑



Knowing the offer of this award is great news for me, because being an oversea student, the tuition fee is quiet a financial burden on me. And I also believe I have the qualification of obtaining it.


I, Yen-chin Chu, was born in Taipei. Through the upbringing, I become an optimistic person; always use the positive way to think when I am trying to solve any problem and believe that chances are made for ones who are well-prepared. And that is why I apply the scholarship.


I majored in special education, graduated from National Taipei University of Education. I learned how to communicate with people; how to design an appropriate Individual Education Plan for each student by observation and creativity at that time. Moreover, the cooperation among teachers, parents, and special medication teams make me learn more about “team-work”. Besides, delivering a lecture helps me have more courage to present myself in front of others.


With the working experience in primary school as a practice teacher, I had to design courses for gifted classes, set up a website for my class to contact with students and parents. In addition, I had an unforgettable experience to help the director to translate students’ diaries from Chinese to English to communicate with the sister school in Japan.


Though I majored in special education, I have strong interest in business. I believe through the training of education, I will have more qualification to master the study. And I am very happy to have the opportunity to study in WMG as a postgraduate student.



也慶幸英國台灣有時差  哈哈哈
到早上7點都還可以申請喔   我在午夜12 點就都弄完啦動畫快遞
外面似乎風雨交加  不知道是有颱風嗎??
就在打雷的那個磨門特    天上灑下來一堆沙子
房子快塌了吧XD           我明明就在室內 沒開窗戶
雖然努力用手指把一些沙弄掉了   有一顆  不小心掉進鍵盤了  以後有一天會出事吧 .....
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